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Network With Likely Minds Through Books


1. Read Books 畅读实体书籍

Take Books with You. Read.
Whether you are on a business trip, a daily commute, a Uber ride or an airbnb stay, take your books with you to enjoy the journey. Register your physical book to our platform - simple and easy.

不管出差还是上下班途中,或者坐滴滴、乘地铁,带着书籍旅行,享受读书带来的宁静。将书上传到 书你app - 扫描书籍条形码就可上传。记住,一定要为您的书取一个独一无二的名字以便区别其他同名书,在书上介绍一下你自己,以及书你app

2. Share Feelings 书上写下书评

Write Something on the book. Anything.
While you enjoy reading the book, write or draw your thoughts, feelings, or inspirations on the book along the printed lines, or anywhere you feel like a good spot on the book. It can even be a puzzle, a mystery number or other forms of communication just like what the book S. inspires.

把书评或你当时读书的感受写在书上 - 或睹物思人,或触景生情,或突然的灵感,或自己的秘密,留个谜题,甚至写个小故事 - 就像那本书《S.》所展示的那样

3. Swap Books 与陌生人交换书籍

Say hello to a stranger? Use the book!
Meet someone you like but too shy to say hello? Just give your book to him/her. Or grab a book someone left at the airport, hotel, airbnb resident, cafe, subway or classroom etc. He/she will also read notes and comments you left on the book to get to know you.


或留在出租车、地铁、咖啡馆,来一段陌生人的邂逅!让他/她通过书了解你,通过 书你app 找到你

4. Make Friends 不同地点结交同好

Get to know someone alike! Through our app!
You may be touched by different peoples comments or thoughts on the book that someone gave to you, or at someplace you picked up. Start talking and connecting with previous book owners, make friends through our platform. Meet new friends with likely minds! Pass along other books!

登陆 书你app,多留言,多交流,通过app约定时间地点,线下借书与交换实体书,线下约一约读书同好,拓展朋友网络,认识更多拥有相同兴趣的朋友,相遇更多有趣灵魂